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The Benefits of Kratom: Nature’s Miracle Plant
Kratom is claimed to have a wide range of benefits. They include the following: –
- It has analgesic properties hence useful in relieving pain
- It reduces the anxiety
- It is a useful immune booster.
- Improves the sexual function
- Promotes energy among the users
- It is useful in the management of addiction
- Reduces the levels of blood sugar, therefore, important in the treatment and management of diabetes
Kratom’s Drug Interactions
Combining kratom with other drugs does not have an important physiological effect most of the time. Harmful kratom drug interactions may occur. For safety reasons, the consumer should be aware of these drug interactions. Some of the drug interactions include the following:
Combining kratom with prescription opiates
Just like kratom, opiates have a sedating property. Combining the two should, therefore, be avoided as this leads to over-sedation. Respiratory depression can occur as a result
Kratom and Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)
These are a class of drugs that metabolize monoamine compounds. They inhibit monoamine oxidases, the enzymes found in the stomach. Therefore, Kratom should not be combined with Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors.
Kratom and stimulants
Stimulants should not be combined with kratom. The stimulants further increase the level of stimulation provided by the kratom causing effects such as anxiety, palpitations, sweating, and agitation.
Kratom and depressants
Combining them with kratom promotes synergy. More sedation and respiratory depression can occur as a result.
Kratom and psychedelics
The combination can cause many unwanted side effects due to the increased stimulatory properties beyond the threshold. The increased anxiety and mental block are some of the side effects.
Kratom and marijuana
A significant synergy occurs after the combination. Side effects such as stomach upsets and headache rarely occur. Such combination has been shown to promote relaxation and one’s energy.
Kratom and alcohol
Some individuals suggest that the combination brings about more prolonged and intense effect. On the other hand, others suggest that they experience side effects when they combine kratom and alcohol. Such harmful side effects include nausea, headache, and hangover.
Adverse effects of kratom
Despite its benefits, various adverse effects are evident. They are grouped into either short-term or term effects.
Short-term effects
- Sweating
- Constipation
- Dizziness
- Constriction of the pupil
- Fluctuation of the body’s temperature
- Itching
- Nausea and vomiting
Long-term effects
They are associated with the frequent use of large doses of kratom. Some are fatal, therefore, life-threatening. They include the following: –
- Hyperpigmentation of the skin
- Psychosis
- Respiratory depression
- Addiction and tolerance
- Loss of appetite and weight
Take away
Kratom is a very important plant as the benefits suggest. It has analgesic properties, can be used to treat some cancers, essential in the management of diabetes, and many other benefits. To incorporate it as an essential product in the field of medicine more studies and research need to be conducted. The standard kratom’s therapeutic range has not been formulated. This poses a major challenge as users are prone to overdosing and under-dosing. Realizing its benefits is rare when the substance is under-dosed. On the other hand, life-threating side effects may result when kratom is used in high doses. Kratom is also prone to interactions, one is, therefore, advised to avoid combining with other drugs.
Growing kratom
Kratom is associated with a lot of benefits, hence the increased urge to grow it. Growing kratom at home also has no legal implication. However, the process poses a significant challenge as the plant is environment specific. The seeds lose viability very easily suggesting meager germination rate. The available cuttings do not produce good roots and are very prone to infections. All these challenges sometimes make growing Kratom an enormous challenge. Despite all this, the following tips will enable one to undertake the process of growing it successfully. First, why would anyone want to grow Kratom plants in the first place?
Benefits of kratom
Among some of the benefits of kratom include the following:
- It is used to relieve pain.
- It is effective in boosting one’s energy.
- It improves both the mental and cognitive functions.
- Bring about euphoric effects.
- It improves one’s focus and drives.
This a significant factor to consider. Seeds are the most preferred while propagating the plant. Kratom seeds are, however, known to lose viability easily after a short time. Most of the seeds ordered online rarely sprout and tend to dry out. The ones that survive, on the other hand, have a low content of the alkaloids hence poor kratom quality. It is, therefore, advisable to purchase fresh seeds from the reputable online vendors. The seeds should also be in large number to increase the chances of germination.
Kratom plant can also be generated from the cuttings. However, the cuttings are the best thus the seeds are preferred. Cuttings are very vulnerable to infections that can make the plant to dry completely. Infections also lower the quality of alkaloids in the leaves. It is claimed that the cuttings do not produce proper roots as compared to seeds. The kratom plants emerging from cuttings most of the time do not grow straight. This makes the plant to be curvy hence weird.
This is also another critical factor. The soil should be fertile and have a lot of hummus. Its drainage should be good. It is recommended that at the initial stages of germination, the soil should be kept continually moist. Flooding, however, should be avoided at all cost. The soil should be kept clean away from fungus. The seedlings are very susceptible to fungal destruction. The soil should also have an adequate Ph for optimal growth. It should lie between 5.5 and 6.5, and this allows proper absorption of nutrients by the kratom plant.